AED care
By purchasing an AED defibrillator, you've taken a big step toward heart-safe living in your community. But with an AED, you can't just put it in the corner and hope for it to work when you need it. Equipment training makes it much easier and faster to use the device correctly in an emergency. The price of all PRIMEDIC AEDs includes a briefing as well as the start-up, which form a very good basis for future use.

The ISO 7010 standard specifies rescue, prohibition, mandatory, warning and fire safety signs. The shapes and colours are based on ISO 3864. The standard is intended to ensure greater safety internationally through uniform signs. To simplify the search for an AED, there is an international rescue sign E010 (AED). This is the best way to draw attention to your AED.

The HeartSave Series defibrillators perform automatic self-tests on a daily basis to ensure operational readiness. Since the energy module is also tested here, it is ensured that the device and energy module are ready for use. The result of the self-tests can also be viewed remotely by the operator on the status display.